Grossmont College contingent to head to education summit in Ghana

EL CAJON – From Grossmont to Ghana. That’s what a contingent from Grossmont College is calling an upcoming trip to an international conference in the African country. Called the 2022 All African Diaspora Education Summit, the event will be held at the University of Cape Coast, September 19-24. The summit will look at African-centric perspectives on how to increase student excellence through education, culture, empowerment, values and purpose.

          Presentations include such topics as “Reason for African-Centered Education: 14 Key Elements” and “Effective, Efficient Plan Implementation and Empowerment,” along with a fair focusing on Historically Black Colleges and Universities and breakout sessions for educators, administrators, and students.

          Keynote speakers are Dr. Julianne Malveaux, Dean at the College of Ethnic Studies at California State University, Los Angeles, and Dr. Anthony Browder, a cultural historian who has devoted decades researching ancient Egyptian history, science, philosophy, and culture.

          The summit theme is “Reclaiming African Sovereignty through African-Centered Education: Pushing Excellence as a Mantra in Everything through the Right Education.”      Other highlights include a visit to Cape Coast Castle and the Cape Coast Dungeon, where as many as 1,000 slaves were held at a time before being shipped in chains across the Atlantic and to the Americas, among the estimated 10 to 40 million Africans ripped from their families and sold into bondage.

          “The All African Diaspora Summit recognizes a commonality of the experience of people of African descent,” said Aaron Starck, Dean of Admissions, Records & Financial Aid, who is making the trip with counselor Terry Sivers, sociology professor Julio Soto, and CAFYES Program Specialist Sam Rigby. “As such, it seeks to explore the potential impact on educational outcomes of a broader Pan-African approach to policy, curriculum, and pedagogy,” Starck said.

            Starck said the team anticipates gaining greater insight into issues impacting educational outcomes of people of African descent, as well as ideas and approaches that will help center the experiences of African people in education. He expects that this understanding will allow for greater innovation in policy, curriculum and pedagogy, and help eliminate achievement gaps.

          Taking part in this international summit is the latest of myriad initiatives launched by Grossmont College. Last year, Grossmont became among the first community colleges in San Diego County to launch a Student Charter with the African-American Male Education Network & Development organization (A2MEND), a program focused on creating a supportive environment where African-American men and men of color gain skills and experiences to thrive academically and grow as student leaders. 

          Grossmont College also has an active Umoja program and last year launched the Grossmont College Equity Institute and the President’s Anti-Racism Task Force. Enrollment of Black and African American students at the college is up more than 12% compared to last fall. Black and African American students comprise more than 6% of the student population.

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