Student Spotlight: Music Major Christian Rodriguez 

Christian Rodriguez is someone you probably recognize. You mostly likely have seen him performing on the Main Quad at Grossmont College. Maybe you saw him perform inside Griffin Gate for a special event. Maybe you saw him perform at Cuyamaca College or perform as part of one of Grossmont College’s music ensembles.

Rodriguez is a Grossmont College music major and jazz guitarist who just graduated in May 2023. He has been a staple of the music department at Grossmont College and is now preparing to transfer to UCLA this fall to study global jazz. After UCLA, Rodriguez intends to hopefully one day become a Grossmont College professor and help students like him.

For many, Rodriguez is an inspiration to many of the music students attending Grossmont College and Cuyamaca College. 

We caught up with Rodriguez to talk about the music department, his journey at Grossmont College and transferring to UCLA. Plus, Rodriguez gave us a special performance in the lobby of the Performing & Visual Arts Center.

Tell us a little bit about the Grossmont College music department.  

“Overall, since I began at Grossmont, I had amazing professors. First of all, I would like to say, thank you to Melonie Grinnell and Derek Cannon. They have been huge supporters of me throughout the years, and I’ve learned a lot through the music program here. I’ve met a lot of musicians and pretty much the music department has changed my life for the good. I first started as a computer science major, but then I realized that my love is music.”

Tell me a little bit about the piece you just played. 

“The tune that I just played in called ‘After You’ve Gone,’ this piece is sentimental to me because it’s the first jazz song that I learned, actually on the banjo. The banjo was my first instrument when it came to jazz.”

What does it mean to you to transfer to UCLA?

“When applying to UCLA and SDSU, I wasn’t planning on transferring I was planning on getting my associate degree and then start working and helping my family. Ever since I met the amazing professors at Grossmont College, they encouraged me to apply to UCLA and SDSU, and other universities. Thanks to them, I applied and got accepted into UCLA. I also got offers from different universities. I wasn’t expecting to transfer until I applied to SDSU and UCLA.” 

Why’d you decide to go to UCLA?

“I decided to go to UCLA because they have a competitive music program and there are a lot of famous people that’ve gone to UCLA. I decided on UCLA over SDSU due to the music department being smaller and they have better benefits for musicians. Also, I have more benefits of learning more plus UCLA is one of the biggest music areas here in California.” 

Any last words about Grossmont College or the music department? 

“Grossmont College has helped me a lot. All the teachers here are amazing, I always felt at home being around campus. As far as the music department, it’s a second home to me. I appreciate every professor that has helped me along the way.”

Learn more about the Grossmont College Music Department.

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