Alumni Spotlight: Jacqueline Valenzuela 

Grossmont College alumna Jacqueline Valenzuela 
Grossmont College alumna Jacqueline Valenzuela 

What was your major? 


What year did you graduate? 


Tell us a little about yourself. 

I started at Grossmont College in 2013 as an ESL student. I was a single parent with three children. I was dropping off my 6-month baby in the Child Department Center at Grossmont College to be able to go to class and work. I was a student worker and former EOPS/CARE student. I became a classified member in 2016, and graduated from Grossmont College with two associates, and transferred to San Diego State University in 2017.

I started attending SDSU in 2017 only part-time due to my job and I needed to take care of my daughters. During the pandemic, I had to put myself on leave of absence because the pandemic impacted my family. I did not lose my job because I received support from my supervisors and Grossmont College. In spring 2023 I decided to go back to SDSU to find a type of normality in my life and finish my bachelor’s degree and I ended up graduating in May of this year. 

Tell us a little about yourself.

I received plenty of support at Grossmont College since day one. EOPS/CARE was an amazing support system in my life, not only academically but personally and emotionally. I wanted to quit college several times but Grossmont College’s amazing programs helped me to keep studying. Dr. Pearl Lopez was and is my mentor. She was the key for me to realize I was capable of finishing my education in a different country. I am an immigrant, Latina, single parent, and ESL student. I had to face many struggles to be where I am right now. I have received a lot of support from Grossmont College faculty, classified professionals, and administrators. I also want to thank my supervisor, Dean Martha Clavelle, for her support. I also want to add that counseling and sociology classes helped to understand my life and other people’s lives in this Country. GC has an amazing professor but Julio Soto made a difference in my life. 

What are some of your favorite memories? 

One of my favorite memories was that when I was taking statistics for transfer (Math 160) and I was failing the class. I was advised to go to tutoring services at Grossmont College and I went to tutoring for the entire semester. I wanted to mention this because due to those services I got the highest grade in the final. I felt so accomplished that I realized that my limits are only in my mind. 

What was your journey after Grossmont College? What do you do now? 

I am still working at Grossmont College. I have been the administrative assistant to Dean Clavelle since 2019. I got my permanent position in December 2022. Before this position, I was the administrative assistant to the dean of EOPS/CARE and CalWORKs from 2016 to 2019. 

How did Grossmont College prepare you for what you do today? 

Grossmont College prepared me to finish my bachelor’s and to start my master’s program next year at SDSU. 

What are some of your most notable accomplishments? 

I was able to learn the English language and graduate from Grossmont College and SDSU being a single parent. 

Is there anything else you’d like to add or anything else about yourself you’d like to share? 

All I can say is THANK YOU, Grossmont College.  

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