Alumni Spotlight: Melvyn McGowan

Melvyn McGowan is currently enrolled as a student at Cuyamaca College as well as its sister school, Grossmont College, studying CADD Technology. In Spring 2023, McGowan received a Promise Plus scholarship specifically for students who are returning to college later in life with the goal of improving workforce opportunities.

We interviewed Melvyn to find out about his experience here at Cuyamaca College and what it means to be a recipient of the Promise Plus scholarship.

Tell us a little about your background and your journey to Cuyamaca College.

I am originally from the Tampa Florida area. I’ve lived all over the country, but more recently in San Diego, since 2018. I’m a poker dealer, currently. I found out about Cuyamaca College because my stepson just graduated high school and was starting his college journey… We found out that Cuyamaca and Grossmont offered the Promise Scholarship to get two free years of college. I already had a little bit of background in what I’m studying right now, so I decided that maybe It’s time to go back to school and refresh my skills.

What are your career goals and how is Cuyamaca helping you get there?

I studied CADD technology and drafting back in high school, but that was back in 95’. I’m basically coming back to school to refresh myself in software, learn new technologies. My career goals are to eventually find work in the field of building design or manufacturing technology that I can do remotely. That way, I can stay home with my young daughter, or we can travel without being tied down to a single place.

How will your scholarship help you this semester?

The Promise Plus scholarship helped me out, because I needed a new laptop in order to run the software I’m using this semester. (The scholarship) went a great deal towards the cost of funding the laptop and other items needed for that.

What does it mean to you to be selected to receive a Promise Plus scholarship?

Being selected for the Promise Plus scholarship means a lot to me, because of my age and time commitments being able to maintain the GPA to qualify for the scholarship is something I’m proud of. Life is expensive, especially here in California, and every little bit helps. I have a three-year-old daughter and a nineteen-year-old stepson, and our family is not cheap to run. Every little bit of money helps students like me come back to school.

Any final thoughts?

This goes out to those of you that feel that going back to school may not be within your reach, or that you may be too old to start over and try again: I’m forty-six years old, this is my second year in college, and I do not regret going back to school whatsoever. I’ve learned so much, and I know that it’s going to make a better future for myself and my family. So even if you can only attend school part-time and take a few classes, always improve yourself. Educate yourself and do what you can for your lifestyle and your abilities to earn an income.

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