Alumni Spotlight: Darcy Fagerwold

Darcy Fagerwold headshot.

What was your area of study? 


What year did you graduate? 

From 1993-1995, then I was out of the country serving as a missionary for a few years, I returned in 1998, with a wedding and later a baby, I think it was 2000 when I completed my associate degree. 

Tell us a little about yourself. 

I am San Diego native and have lived in East County my whole life. My husband, Steve, and I have been married for 26 years and are the parents of three awesome kids, Shaylin (‘24), Luke (‘21), and Ella (‘18). I own Expressions Dance & Movement Center in Santee. I serve on the Board of Directors for the Santee Chamber of Commerce. 

What person, course, or experience most influenced you while at Grossmont College?  

Without a doubt, Kathy Meyer. Her leadership, expertise, mentorship, and example helped me become the dance educator I am today. The team she led during that time was also extremely influential in my life. I will never forget the things I learned from LaBelle Edmiston, Marta Jiacoletti, and Colleen Shipkowski. 

What are some of your favorite memories? 

Performing in the faculty concerts at the Magnolia (then ECPAC) and being given the opportunity to present my own work as well. 

Darcy Fagerwold speaking in front of a large group.

What was your journey after Grossmont College? What do you do now? 

After teaching for local studios for over 20 years, I opened my own studio in 2011. It has grown to serve 750 students weekly and provide meaningful employment for 35 staff members. I am a certified coach for an international dance studio owners’ organization called More Than Just Great Dancing. I speak and coach other dance studio owners at industry events as well as one on one. I am also the teacher training coordinator for More Than Just Great Dancing. In this role I create the curriculum and coordinate the presenters for an annual online training that reaches over 1,000 dance educators. 

How did Grossmont College prepare you for what you do today? 

Although I have been dancing since I was 8 years old, my dance education at Grossmont College expanded the depth and breadth of my knowledge. The instructors encouraged me and built my confidence. They gave me opportunities, feedback, and mentoring to develop my skills as a teacher and a choreographer. 

What are some of your most notable accomplishments? 

My dance studio, Expressions Dance & Movement Center, was named the 2022 Santee Business of the Year. We have also won Santee’s Favorites multiple years. We were on the cover of the spring issue of the Santee Magazine. As the chair of the board, I successfully led the Santee Chamber of Commerce through the very tough years 2020 and 2021. I currently serve on the executive committee as past chair. 

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