Pedro Berry: A Green Industry Career


Originally from San Diego, Pedro Berry has always had an interest in working in the green industry. “When I was 16, I went to work for a family friend at his landscape maintenance business during the summer. Since then, I knew I loved landscaping, and most importantly the design side of it,” says Berry.

Berry’s initial plan after high school graduation was to attend the Art Institute to study architecture, but ended up taking landscape design courses at Mesa College instead. During his time at Mesa, Berry took a tree identification course that left him fascinated with the plant world. Shortly after, he began working at his father-in-law’s landscape and tree service business which he ended up taking over when his father-in-law fell ill. Berry has been in the industry ever since.

Currently, Berry is studying arboriculture, landscape technology, irrigation technology, and sustainable urban landscapes at Cuyamaca College. A broad field encompassing the aesthetic and environmentally-sound creation of urban and rural landscapes, the Cuyamaca College Ornamental Horticulture program is designed to prepare students for careers in the horticulture profession. Berry plans to graduate in the spring of 2023.

“I chose arboriculture because it’s the industry I have been in for the past 15 years. The other degrees I’m pursuing I believe will help me better connect with my clients, and help in every aspect of their landscape,” says Berry.

While there are several community colleges that offer Ornamental Horticulture programs, Cuyamaca College stood out to Berry for the challenging and diverse coursework.

After enrolling, he went on to become a certified arborist and earn his TRAQ (Tree Risk Assessment Qualification) credential in 2021 with the support of his instructor, Tiffany Faustich.

“You have family, and then you have your work family, and then there’s Cuyamaca family. You build relationships with people from all walks of life, working in different fields on the green industry, but everyone is there to help you and want to succeed,” says Berry.

After earning his degree, Berry hopes to become a registered consulting arborist and work on the legal side of arboriculture.